

This module contains tools that facilitate least-squares fits, as functions of time t, of simulation (or other statistical) data for 2-point and 3-point correlators of the form:

Gab(t)    =  <b(t) a(0)>
Gavb(t,T) =  <b(T) V(t) a(0)>

where T > t > 0. Each correlator is modeled using corrfitter.Corr2 for 2-point correlators, or corrfitter.Corr3 for 3-point correlators in terms of amplitudes for each source a, sink b, and vertex V, and the energies associated with each intermediate state. The amplitudes and energies are adjusted in the least-squares fit to reproduce the data; they are defined in a shared prior (typically a dictionary).

An object of type corrfitter.CorrFitter describes a collection of correlators and is used to fit multiple models to data simultaneously. Fitting multiple correlators simultaneously is important if there are statistical correlations between the correlators. Any number of correlators may be described and fit by a single corrfitter.CorrFitter object.

We now review the basic features of corrfitter. These features are also illustrated for real applications in a series of annotated examples following this section. Impatient readers may wish to jump directly to these examples.

About Printing: The examples in this tutorial use the print function as it is used in Python 3. Drop the outermost parenthesis in each print statement if using Python 2; or add

from __future__ import print_function

at the start of your file.

Basic Fits

To illustrate, consider data for two 2-point correlators: Gaa with the same source and sink (a), and Gab which has source a and (different) sink b. The data are contained in a dictionary data, where data['Gaa'] and data['Gab'] are one-dimensional arrays containing values for Gaa(t) and Gab(t), respectively, with t=0,1,2...63. Each array element in data['Gaa'] and data['Gab'] is a Gaussian random variable of type gvar.GVar, and specifies the mean and standard deviation for the corresponding data point:

>>> print(data['Gaa'])
[0.1597910(41) 0.0542088(31) ... ]
>>> print(data['Gab'])
[0.156145(18) 0.102335(15) ... ]

gvar.GVars also capture statistical correlations between different pieces of data, if they exist.

We want to fit this data to the following formulas:

Gaa(t,N) = sum_i=0..N-1  a[i]**2 * exp(-E[i]*t)
Gab(t,N) = sum_i=0..N-1  a[i]*b[i] * exp(-E[i]*t)

Our goal is to find values for the amplitudes, a[i] and b[i], and the energies, E[i], so that these formulas reproduce the average values for Gaa(t,N) and Gab(t,N) that come from the data, to within the data’s statistical errors. We use the same a[i]s and E[i]s in both formulas. The fit parameters used by the fitter are the a[i]s and b[i]s, as well as the differences dE[i]=E[i]-E[i-1] for i>0 and dE[0]=E[0]. The energy differences are usually positive by construction (see below) and are easily converted back to energies using:

E[i] = sum_j=0..i dE[j]

A typical code has the following structure:

import corrfitter as cf

def main():
    data = make_data('mcfile')          # user-supplied routine
    models = make_models()              # user-supplied routine
    N = 4                               # number of terms in fit functions
    prior = make_prior(N)               # user-supplied routine
    fitter = cf.CorrFitter(models=models)
    fit = fitter.lsqfit(data=data, prior=prior)  # do the fit
    print_results(fit, prior, data)     # user-supplied routine


if __name__ == '__main__':

We discuss each user-supplied routine in turn.

a) make_data

make_data('mcfile') creates the dictionary containing the data that is to be fit. Typically such data comes from a Monte Carlo simulation. Exactly how the data are assembled depends upon how Monte Carlo results are stored.

Imagine, for example, that the simulation creates a file called 'mcfile' with layout

# first correlator: each line has Gaa(t) for t=0,1,2...63
Gaa  0.159774739530e+00 0.541793561501e-01 ...
Gaa  0.159751906801e+00 0.542054488624e-01 ...
Gaa  ...
# second correlator: each line has Gab(t) for t=0,1,2...63
Gab  0.155764170032e+00 0.102268808986e+00 ...
Gab  0.156248435021e+00 0.102341455176e+00 ...
Gab  ...

where each line is one Monte Carlo measurement for one or the other correlator, as indicated by the tags at the start of the line. (Lines for Gab may be interspersed with lines for Gaa since every line has a tag.) A data file in this format can be analyzed using:

import gvar as gv
import corrfitter as cf

def make_data(filename):
    dset = cf.read_dataset(filename)
    return gv.dataset.avg_data(dset)

This reads the data from the file into a dataset, which is a dictionary whose values are two-dimenional arrays where the first index labels the Monte Carlo sample, and the second index labels time: for example,

>>> print(dset['Gaa'])
[ [0.159774739530e+00 0.541793561501e-01 ... ],
  [0.159751906801e+00 0.542054488624e-01 ... ],

Function gvar.dataset.avg_data() then averages over the Monte Carlo samples. Thus data = make_data('mcfile') creates a dictionary where data['Gaa'] is a one-dimensional array of gvar.GVars, indexed by time, obtained by averaging over the Gaa data in the 'mcfile', and data['Gab'] is a similar array for the Gab correlator. The correlator values for different ts are typically correlated with each other.

Other data formats are readily adapted to this purpose. For example, the same Monte Carlo data might be stored in an hdf5 file:

import h5py
import gvar as gv

def make_data(filename):
    h5file = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
    dset = dict(
        Gaa=h5file['/run5/Gaa'], Gab=hfile['/run5/Gab']
    return gv.dataset.avg_data(dset)

Here we assume h5file['/run5/Gaa'] and hfile['/run5/Gab'] are hdf5 datasets that have been configured, again, as two-dimensional numpy arrays, where the first index is the Monte Carlo sample (configuration) index, and the second index is time.

Function corrfitter.read_dataset() can read hdf5 files, so this last example could also be handled by

def make_data(filename):
    dset = cf.read_dataset(filename, h5group='/run5')
    return gv.dataset.avg_data(dset)

provided filename ends in '.h5'. This reads in all hdf5 datasets in group /run5.

b) make_models

make_models() identifies which correlators in the fit data are to be fit, and specifies theoretical models (that is, fit functions) for these correlators:

import corrfitter as cf

def make_models():
    tdata = range(64)
    tfit = tdata[2:]
    models = [
        cf.Corr2(datatag='Gaa', tdata=tdata, tfit=tfit, a='a', b='a', dE='dE'),
        cf.Corr2(datatag='Gab', tdata=tdata, tfit=tfit, a='a', b='b', dE='dE'),
    return models

For each correlator, we specify: the key used in the input data dictionary data for that correlator (datatag); the t values, tdata=[0,1,2...63], associated with each element of the fit data for the correlator; the subset of tdata values, tfit=[2,3,4...63], to be used in the fit; and fit-parameter labels for the source (a) and sink (b) amplitudes, and for the intermediate energy-differences (dE). Fit-parameter labels identify the parts of the prior, discussed below, corresponding to the actual fit parameters (the labels are dictionary keys). Here the two models, for Gaa and Gab, are identical except for the data tags and the sinks. make_models() returns a list of models; the only parts of the input fit data that are fit are those for which a model is specified in make_models().

Note that if there is data for Gba(t,N) in addition to Gab(t,N), and Gba = Gab, then the (weighted) average of the two data sets will be fit if models[1] is replace by:

    datatag='Gab', tmin=1, tmax=63, a='a', b='b', dE='dE',

Alternatively one could add a third Corr2 to models for Gba, but it is more efficient to combine it with Gab, before the fit, if they are equivalent.

The arrays tdata and tfit provide more flexibility than is often needed. Here, because there is data for all t values starting with 0, we could have defined the correlator objects more simply, in terms of the minimum and maximum t values used in the fit: for example,

cf.Corr2(datatag='Gaa', tmin=2, tmax=63, a='a', b='a', dE='dE')

corrfitter.Corr2 creates the obvious choices for tdata and tfit from the information given.

c) make_prior

This routine defines the fit parameters that correspond to each fit-parameter label used in make_models() above. It also assigns a priori values to each parameter, expressed in terms of Gaussian random variables (gvar.GVars), with a mean and standard deviation. The prior is built using a Python dictionary (we use gvar.BufferDict but others would work):

import gvar as gv

def make_prior(N):
    prior = gvar.BufferDict()
    prior['a'] = gv.gvar(N * ['0.1(5)'])
    prior['b'] = gv.gvar(N * ['1(5)'])
    prior['dE'] = gv.gvar(N * ['0.25(25)'])
    return prior

make_prior(N) associates arrays of N Gaussian random variables (gvar.GVars) with each fit-parameter label, enough for N terms in the fit function. These are the a priori values for the fit parameters, and they can be retrieved using the label: setting prior=make_prior(N), for example, implies that prior['a'][i], prior['b'][i] and prior['dE'][i] are the a priori values for a[i], b[i] and dE[i] in the fit functions (see above). The a priori value for each a[i] here is set to 0.1±0.5, while that for each b[i] is 1±5:

>>> print(prior['a'])
[0.10(50) 0.10(50) 0.10(50) 0.10(50)]
>>> print(prior['b'])
[1.0(5.0) 1.0(5.0) 1.0(5.0) 1.0(5.0)]

Similarly the a priori value for each energy difference is 0.25±0.25. (See the lsqfit documentation for further information on priors.)

d) print_results

The actual fit is done by fit=fitter.lsqfit(...), and print(fit) right afterwards prints a summary of the fit results. Further results are reported by print_results(fit, prior, data): for example,

def print_results(fit, prior, data):
    a = fit.p['a']                              # array of a[i]s
    b = fit.p['b']                              # array of b[i]s
    dE = fit.p['dE']                            # array of dE[i]s
    E = np.cumsum(dE)                           # array of E[i]s
    print('Best fit values:)
    print('     a[0] =',a[0])
    print('     b[0] =',b[0])
    print('     E[0] =',E[0])
    print('b[0]/a[0] =',b[0]/a[0])
    outputs = {'E0':E[0], 'a0':a[0], 'b0':b[0], 'b0/a0':b[0]/a[0]}
    inputs = {'a'=prior['a'], 'b'=prior['b'], 'dE'=prior['dE'],
              'data'=[data[k] for k in data])
    print(fit.fmt_errorbudget(outputs, inputs))

The best-fit values from the fit are contained in fit.p and are accessed using the labels defined in the prior and the corrfitter.Corr2 models. Variables like a[0] and E[0] are gvar.GVar objects that contain means and standard deviations, as well as information about any correlations that might exist between different variables (which is relevant for computing functions of the parameters, like b[0]/a[0] in this example).

The last line of print_results(fit,prior,data) prints an error budget for each of the best-fit results for a[0], b[0], E[0] and b[0]/a[0], which are identified in the print output by the labels 'a0', 'b0', 'E0' and 'b0/a0', respectively. The error for any fit result comes from uncertainties in the inputs — in particular, from the fit data and the priors. The error budget breaks the total error for a result down into the components coming from each source. Here the sources are the a priori errors in the priors for the 'a' amplitudes, the 'b' amplitudes, and the 'dE' energy differences, as well as the errors in the fit data data. These sources are labeled in the print output by 'a', 'b', 'dE', and 'data', respectively. (See the gvar/lsqfit tutorial for further details on partial standard deviations and gvar.fmt_errorbudget().)

Plots of the fit data divided by the fit function, for each correlator, are displayed by calling fit.show_plots() provided the matplotlib module is present.


A 2-point correlator is turned into a periodic function of t by specifying the period through parameter tp. Doing so causes the replacement (for tp>0)

exp(-E[i]*t)   ->   exp(-E[i]*t) + exp(-E[i]*(tp-t))

in the fit function. If tp is negative, the function is replaced by an anti-periodic function with period abs(tp) and (for tp<0):

exp(-E[i]*t)   ->   exp(-E[i]*t) - exp(-E[i]*(abs(tp)-t))

Also (or alternatively) oscillating terms can be added to the fit by modifying parameter s and by specifying sources, sinks and energies for the oscillating pieces. For example, one might want to replace the sum of exponentials with two sums

sum_i a[i]**2 * exp(-E[i]*t) - sum_i ao[i]**2 (-1)**t * exp(-Eo[i]*t)

in a (nonperiodic) fit function. Then an appropriate model would be, for example,

    datatag='Gaa', tmin=2, tmax=63,
    a=('a','ao'), b=('a','ao'), dE=('dE','dEo'), s=(1,-1)

where ao and dEo refer to additional fit parameters describing the oscillating component. In general parameters for amplitudes and energies can be tuples with two components: the first describing normal states, and the second describing oscillating states. To omit one or the other, put None in place of a label. Parameter s[0] is an overall factor multiplying the non-oscillating terms, and s[1] is the corresponding factor for the oscillating terms.

Very Fast (But Limited) Fits

At large t, two-point correlators are dominated by the term with the smallest E, and often it is only the parameters in that leading term that are needed. In such cases there is a very fast analysis that is often almost as accurate as a full fit. Assuming a non-periodic correlator, for example, we want to calculate energy E[0] and amplitude A[0] where:

G(t) = sum_i=0,N-1 A[i] * exp(-E[i]*t)

This is done using the following code

from corrfitter import fastfit

# Gdata = array containing G(t) for t=0,1,2...
fit = fastfit(Gdata, ampl='0(1)', dE='0.5(5)', tmin=3)
print('E[0] =', fit.E)                  # E[0]
print('A[0] =', fit.ampl)               # A[0]
print('chi2/dof =', fit.E.chi2/fit.dof) # good fit if of order 1 or less
print('Q =', fit.E.Q)                   # good fit if Q > 0.05-0.1

where G is an array containing a two-point correlator, ampl is a prior for the amplitudes A[i], dE is a prior for energy differences E[i]-E[i-1], and tmin is the minimum time used in the analysis.

fastfit is fast because it does not attempt to determine any parameters in G(t) other than E[0] and A[0]. It does this by using the priors for the amplitudes and energy differences to remove (marginalize) all terms from the correlator other than the E[0] term: so the data Gdata(t) for the correlator are replaced by

Gdata(t) - sum_i=1..N-1  A[i] * exp(-E[i]*t)

where A[i] and E[i] for i>0 are replaced by priors given by ampl and (i+1) * dE, respectively. The modified correlator is then fit by a single term, A[0] * exp(-E[0]*t), which means that a fit is not actually necessary since the functional form is so simple. fastfit averages estimates for E[0] and A[0] from all ts larger than tmin. It is important to verify that these estimates agree with each other, by checking the \chi^2 of the average. Try increasing tmin if the \chi^2 is too large; or introduce an SVD cut.

The energies from fastfit are closely related to standard effective masses. The key difference is fastfit’s marginalization of terms from excited states (i>0 above). This allows fastfit to use information from much smaller ts than otherwise, increasing precision. It also quantifies the uncertainty caused by the existence of excited states, and gives a simple criterion for how small tmin can be (the \chi^2). Results are typically as accurate as results obtained from a full multi-exponential fit that uses the same priors for A[i] and E[i], and the same tmin. fastfit can also be used for periodic and anti-periodic correlators, as well as for correlators that contain terms that oscillate in sign from one t to the next.

fastfit is a special case of the more general marginalization strategy discussed later, in Marginalization

3-Point Correlators

Correlators Gavb(t,T) = <b(T) V(t) a(0)> can also be included in fits as functions of t. In the illustration above, for example, we might consider additional Monte Carlo data describing a form factor with the same intermediate states before and after V(t). Assuming the data is tagged by aVbT15 and describes T=15, the corresponding entry in the collection of models might then be:

Corr3(datatag='aVbT15', T=15, tdata=range(16), tfit=range(1, 16),
    Vnn='Vnn',                # parameters for V
    a='a', dEa='dE',          # parameters for a->V
    b='b', dEb='dE',          # parameters for V->b

This models the Monte Carlo data for the 3-point function using the following formula:

sum_i,j a[i] * exp(-Ea[i]*t) * Vnn[i,j] * b[j] * exp(-Eb[j]*(T-t))

where the Vnn[i,j]s are new fit parameters related to a->V->b form factors. Obviously multiple values of T can be studied by including multiple corrfitter.Corr3 models, one for each value of T. Either or both of the initial and final states can have oscillating components (include sa and/or sb). If there are oscillating states then additional Vs must be specified: Vno connecting a normal state to an oscillating state, Von connecting oscillating to normal states, and Voo connecting oscillating to oscillating states.

Keywords tdata and tfit need not be specified when there is data for every t=0,1...T: for example,

    datatag='aVbT15', T=15, tmin=1,
    Vnn='Vnn', a='a', dEa='dE', b='b', dEb='dE',

is equivalent to the definition above.

There are two cases that require special treatment. One is when simultaneous fits are made to a->V->b and b->V->a. Then the Vnn, Vno, etc. for b->V->a are the (matrix) transposes of the the same matrices for a->V->b. In this case the models for the two would look something like:

models = [
        datatag='aVbT15', T=15, tmin=1,
        Vnn='Vnn', Vno='Vno', Von='Von', Voo='Voo',
        a=('a','ao'), dEa=('dE','dEo'), sa=(1,-1), # a->V
        b=('b','bo'), dEb=('dE','dEo'), sb=(1,-1)  # V->b
        datatag='bVaT15', T=15, tmin=1, reverse=True,
        Vnn='Vnn', Vno='Vno', Von='Von', Voo='Voo',
        a=('a','ao'), dEa=('dE','dEo'), sa=(1,-1), # a->V
        b=('b','bo'), dEb=('dE','dEo'), sb=(1,-1)  # V->b

The second Corr3 is identical to the first except for the datatag ('bVaT15'), and the keyword reverse=True, which instructs the model to time-reverse its data, interchanging t=0 with t=T, before fitting. Time-reversing in effect turns b->V->a into a->V->b.

Another way to handle this last situation is to average the data from b->V->a with that from a->V->b for a single fit. This is done using one Corr3 but with the keyword reverseddata to indicate the data to be time-reversed and then averaged with the a->V->b data:

models = [
        datatag='aVbT15', T=15, tmin=1, reverseddata='bVaT15',
        Vnn='Vnn', Vno='Vno', Von='Von', Voo='Voo',
        a=('a','ao'), dEa=('dE','dEo'), sa=(1,-1), # a->V
        b=('b','bo'), dEb=('dE','dEo'), sb=(1,-1)  # V->b

The second special case is for fits to a->V->a where the initial and final particles are the same (with the same momentum). In that case, Vnn and Voo are symmetric matrices, and Von is the transpose of Vno. The model for such a case would look like, for example:

    datatag='aVbT15', T=15, tmin=1,
    Vnn='Vnn', Vno='Vno', Voo='Voo', symmetric_V=True,
    a=('a','ao'), dEa=('dE', 'dEo'), sa=(1, -1), # a->V
    b=('a','ao'), dEb=('dE', 'dEo'), sb=(1, -1)  # V->a

Here only Vno is specified, since Von is its transpose. Furthermore Vnn and Voo are (square) symmetric matrices when symmetric_V==True and so only the upper part of each matrix is needed. In this case Vnn and Voo are treated as one-dimensional arrays with N(N+1)/2 elements corresponding to the upper parts of each matrix, where N is the number of exponentials (that is, the number of a[i]s).

Testing Fits with Simulated Data

Large fits are complicated and often involve nontrivial choices about algorithms (e.g., chained fits versus regular fits), priors, and SVD cuts — choices that affect the values and errors for the fit parameters. In such situations it is often a good idea to test the fit protocol that has been selected. This can be done by fitting simulated data. Simulated data looks almost identical to the original fit data but has means that have been adjusted to correspond to fluctuations around a correlator with known (before the fit) parameter values: p=p_exact. The corrfitter.CorrFitter iterator simulated_pdata_iter creates any number of different simulated data sets of this kind. Fitting any of these with a particular fit protocol tests the reliability of that protocol since the fit results should agree with p_exact to within the (simulated) fit’s errors. One or two fit simulations of this sort are usually enough to establish the validity of a protocol. It is also easy to compare the performance of different fit options by applying these in fits of simulated data, again because we know the correct answers (p_exact) ahead of time.

Typically one obtains reasonable values for p_exact from a fit to the real data. Assuming these have been dumped into a file named "p_exact_file" (using, for example, Python’s pickle module), a testing script might look something like:

import gvar as gv
import lsqfit
import corrfitter
import pickle

def main():
    dataset = gv.dataset.Dataset(...)       # from original fit code
    prior = make_prior(...)
    fitter = corrfitter.CorrFitter(models = make_models(...))
    n = 2                                   # number of simulations
    p_exact = pickle.load(open('p_exact_file', 'rb'))
    for spdata in fitter.simulated_pdata_iter(n, dataset, p_exact=p_exact):
        # sfit = fit to the simulated data sdata
        sfit = fitter.lsqfit(pdata=spdata, p0=p_exact, prior=prior...)
        ... check that sfit.p values agree with p_exact to within sfit.psdev ...

Bootstrap Analyses

A bootstrap analysis gives more robust error estimates for fit parameters and functions of fit parameters than the conventional fit when errors are large, or fluctuations are non-Gaussian. A typical code looks something like:

import gvar as gv
import gvar.dataset as ds
from corrfitter import CorrFitter
# fit
dset = ds.Dataset('mcfile')
data = ds.avg_data(dset)            # create fit data
fitter = Corrfitter(models=make_models())
N = 4                               # number of terms in fit function
prior = make_prior(N)
fit = fitter.lsqfit(prior=prior, data=data)  # do standard fit
print 'Fit results:'
print 'a', fit.p['a']               # fit results for 'a' amplitudes
print 'dE', fit.p['dE']             # fit results for 'dE' energies
# bootstrap analysis
print 'Bootstrap fit results:'
nbootstrap = 10                     # number of bootstrap iterations
bs_datalist = (ds.avg_data(d) for d in ds.bootstrap_iter(dset, nbootstrap))
bs = ds.Dataset()                   # bootstrap output stored in bs
for bs_fit in fitter.bootstrapped_fit_iter(bs_datalist): # bs_fit = lsqfit output
    p = bs_fit.pmean    # best fit values for current bootstrap iteration
    bs.append('a', p['a']))         # collect bootstrap results for a[i]
    bs.append('dE', p['dE'])        # collect results for dE[i]
    ...                             # include other functions of p
bs = ds.avg_data(bs, bstrap=True)   # medians + error estimate
print 'a', bs['a']                  # bootstrap result for 'a' amplitudes
print 'dE', bs['dE']                # bootstrap result for 'dE' energies

This code first prints out the standard fit results for the 'a' amplitudes and 'dE' energies. It then makes 10 bootstrap copies of the original input data, and fits each using the best-fit parameters from the original fit as the starting point for the bootstrap fit. The variation in the best-fit parameters from fit to fit is an indication of the uncertainty in those parameters. This example uses a gvar.dataset.Dataset object bs to accumulate the results from each bootstrap fit, which are computed using the best-fit values of the parameters (ignoring their standard deviations). Other functions of the fit parameters could be included as well. At the end avg_data(bs, bstrap=True) finds median values for each quantity in bs, as well as a robust estimate of the uncertainty (to within 30% since nbootstrap is only 10).

The list of bootstrap data sets bs_datalist can be omitted in this example in situations where the input data has high statistics. Then the bootstrap copies are generated internally by fitter.bootstrap_iter() from the means and covariance matrix of the input data (assuming Gaussian statistics).


Background information on the some of the fitting strategies used by corrfitter.CorrFitter can be found by doing a web searches for “hep-lat/0110175”, “arXiv:1111.1363”, and “:arXiv:1406.2279” (appendix). These are papers by G.P. Lepage and collaborators whose published versions are: G.P. Lepage et al, Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 106 (2002) 12-20; K. Hornbostel et al, Phys.Rev. D85 (2012) 031504; and C. Bouchard et al, Phys.Rev. D90 (2014) 054506.