Annotated Example: Two-Point Correlator


The simplest use of corrfitter is calculating the amplitude and energy of the ground state in a single two-point correlator. Here we analyze an \eta_s propagator where the source and sink are the same.

The one slightly non-obvious aspect of this fit is its use of log-normal priors for the energy differences dE between successive states in the correlator. As discussed in Postive Parameters, this choice imposes an order on the states in relation to the fit parameters by forcing all dE values to be positive. Any such restriction helps stabilize a fit, improving both efficiency and the final results.

Another design option that helps stabilize the fit is to do a series of fits, with increasing number N of states in the fit function, where the results from the N-1 fit are used by the fitter as the starting point (p0) for the N fit. The initial fits are bad, but this procedure helps guide the fit parameters towards sensible values as the number of states increases. See Priming Fits for more discussion.

The source code ( and data file ( are included with the corrfitter distribution, in the examples/ directory. The data are from the HPQCD collaboration.


Following the template outlined in Basic Fits, the entire code is:

from __future__ import print_function   # makes this work for python2 and 3

import collections
import gvar as gv
import numpy as np
import corrfitter as cf

def main():
    data = make_data(filename='')
    fitter = cf.CorrFitter(models=make_models())
    p0 = None
    for N in [2, 3, 4]:
        print(30 * '=', 'nterm =', N)
        prior = make_prior(N)
        fit = fitter.lsqfit(data=data, prior=prior, p0=p0)
        p0 = fit.pmean
    fastfit = cf.fastfit(G=data['etas'], ampl='0(1)', dE='0.5(5)', tmin=3, tp=64)
    print(30 * '=', 'fastfit')
    print(fastfit, '\n')
    print(30 * '=', 'bootstrap')
    bootstrap_fit(fitter, '')

def make_data(filename):
    """ Read data, compute averages/covariance matrix for G(t). """
    return gv.dataset.avg_data(cf.read_dataset(filename))

def make_models():
    """ Create corrfitter model for G(t). """
    return [cf.Corr2(datatag='etas', tp=64, tmin=5, a='a', b='a', dE='dE')]

def make_prior(N):
    """ Create prior for N-state fit. """
    prior = collections.OrderedDict()
    prior['a'] = gv.gvar(N * ['0(1)'])
    prior['log(dE)'] = gv.log(gv.gvar(N * ['0.5(5)']))
    return prior

def print_results(fit):
    p = fit.p
    E = np.cumsum(p['dE'])
    a = p['a']
    print('{:2}  {:15}  {:15}'.format('E', E[0], E[1]))
    print('{:2}  {:15}  {:15}\n'.format('a', a[0], a[1]))

def bootstrap_fit(fitter, ifile):
    dset = gv.dataset.Dataset(ifile)
    pdatalist = (
        cf.process_dataset(ds, make_models())
        for ds in gv.dataset.bootstrap_iter(dset, n=10)
    bs = gv.dataset.Dataset()
    for bsfit in fitter.bootstrapped_fit_iter(pdatalist=pdatalist):
    bs = gv.dataset.avg_data(bs, bstrap=True)
    E = bs['E']
    a = bs['a']
    print('{:2}  {:15}  {:15}'.format('E', E[0], E[1]))
    print('{:2}  {:15}  {:15}'.format('a', a[0], a[1]))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Here the Monte Carlo data are read by make_data('') from file This file contains 225 lines, each with 64 numbers, of the form:

etas    0.305044    0.0789607   0.0331313 ...
etas    0.306573    0.0802435   0.0340765 ...

Each line is a different Monte Carlo estimate of the \eta_s correlator for t=0…63. The mean values and covariance matrix are computed for the 64 elements of the correlator using gvar.dataset.avg_data(), and the result is stored in data['etas'], which is an array of Gaussian random variables (objects of type gvar.GVar).

A corrfitter.CorrFitter object, fitter, is created for a single two-point correlator from a list of models created by make_models(). There is only one model in the list because there is only one correlator. It is a Corr2 object which specifies that: the key (datatag) for extracting the correlator from the data dictionary is 'etas'; the propagator is periodic with period 64; each correlator contains data for t values ranging from 0 to 63; only values greater than or equal to 5 and less than 64-5 are fit; the source and sink amplitudes are the same and labeled by 'a' in the prior; and the energy differences between successive states are labeled 'dE' in the prior.

Fits are tried with N states in the fit function, where N varies from 2 to 5. Usually N=2 is too small, resulting in a poor fit. Here we will find that results have converged by N=3.

A prior, containing a priori estimates for the fit parameters, is contructed for each N by make_prior(N). The amplitude priors, prior['a'][i], are assumed to be 0±1, while the differences between successive energies are taken to be, roughly, 0.5±0.5. These are broad priors, based upon preliminary fits of the data. We want to use log-normal statistics for the energy differences, to guarantee that they are positive (and the states ordered, in order of increasing energy), so we use prior['logdE'] for the logarithms of the differences — instead of prior['dE'] for the differences themselves — and take the logarithm of the prior.

The fit is done by fitter.lsqfit() and print_results(fit) prints results for the first two states after each fit (that is, for each N). Note how results from the fit to N terms is used as the starting point for the fit with N+1 terms, via parameter p0. As mentioned above, this speeds up the larger fits and also helps to stabilize them.


The output from this fit code is:

============================== nterm = 2
Least Square Fit:
  chi2/dof [dof] = 0.98 [28]    Q = 0.49    logGBF = 481.95

            a 0    0.21854 (15)      [  0.0 (1.0) ]  
              1     0.2721 (46)      [  0.0 (1.0) ]  
      log(dE) 0   -0.87637 (28)      [ -0.7 (1.0) ]  
              1     -0.330 (12)      [ -0.7 (1.0) ]  
           dE 0    0.41629 (11)      [  0.50 (50) ]  
              1     0.7191 (83)      [  0.50 (50) ]  

  svdcut/n = 1e-12/0    tol = (1e-08*,1e-10,1e-10)    (itns/time = 21/0.0)

E   0.41629(11)      1.1354(83)     
a   0.21854(15)      0.2721(46)     

============================== nterm = 3
Least Square Fit:
  chi2/dof [dof] = 0.68 [28]    Q = 0.89    logGBF = 483.08

            a 0    0.21836 (18)      [  0.0 (1.0) ]  
              1       0.15 (12)      [  0.0 (1.0) ]  
              2      0.308 (51)      [  0.0 (1.0) ]  
      log(dE) 0   -0.87660 (30)      [ -0.7 (1.0) ]  
              1      -0.56 (28)      [ -0.7 (1.0) ]  
              2      -0.92 (53)      [ -0.7 (1.0) ]  
           dE 0    0.41620 (12)      [  0.50 (50) ]  
              1       0.57 (16)      [  0.50 (50) ]  
              2       0.40 (21)      [  0.50 (50) ]  

  svdcut/n = 1e-12/0    tol = (1e-08*,1e-10,1e-10)    (itns/time = 18/0.0)

E   0.41620(12)      0.99(16)       
a   0.21836(18)      0.15(12)       

============================== nterm = 4
Least Square Fit:
  chi2/dof [dof] = 0.68 [28]    Q = 0.89    logGBF = 483.08

            a 0    0.21836 (18)      [  0.0 (1.0) ]  
              1       0.15 (12)      [  0.0 (1.0) ]  
              2      0.308 (51)      [  0.0 (1.0) ]  
              3      2e-06 +- 1      [  0.0 (1.0) ]  
      log(dE) 0   -0.87660 (30)      [ -0.7 (1.0) ]  
              1      -0.56 (28)      [ -0.7 (1.0) ]  
              2      -0.92 (53)      [ -0.7 (1.0) ]  
              3      -0.7 (1.0)      [ -0.7 (1.0) ]  
           dE 0    0.41620 (12)      [  0.50 (50) ]  
              1       0.57 (16)      [  0.50 (50) ]  
              2       0.40 (21)      [  0.50 (50) ]  
              3       0.50 (50)      [  0.50 (50) ]  

  svdcut/n = 1e-12/0    tol = (1e-08*,1e-10,1e-10)    (itns/time = 38/0.0)

E   0.41620(12)      0.99(16)       
a   0.21836(18)      0.15(12)       

============================== fastfit
E: 0.41624(11) ampl: 0.047704(71) chi2/dof [dof]: 0.9 0.8 [57] Q: 0.8 0.9 

============================== bootstrap
E   0.41624(10)      1.023(81)      
a   0.21845(15)      0.172(60)      

These fits are very fast — a small fraction of a second each on a laptop. Fit results converge by N=3 states. The amplitudes and energy differences for states above the first three are essentially identical to the prior values; the Monte Carlo data are not sufficiently accurate to add any new information about these levels. The fits for N>=3 are excellent, with \chi^2 per degree of freedom (chi2/dof) of 0.68. There are only 28 degrees of freedom here because the fitter, taking advantage of the periodicity, folded the data about the midpoint in t and averaged, before fitting. The ground state energy and amplitude are determined to a part in 1,000 or better.

Correlated Data?

It is worth checking whether the initial Monte Carlo data has correlations from sample to sample, since such correlations lead to underestimated fit errors. One approach is verify that results are unchanged when the input data are binned. To bin the data we use

def make_data(filename):
    """ Read data, compute averages/covariance matrix for G(t). """
    return gv.dataset.avg_data(cf.read_dataset(filename, binsize=2))

which averages successive samples (bins of 2). Binned data give the following results from the last iteration and summary:

============================== nterm = 4
Least Square Fit:
  chi2/dof [dof] = 0.94 [28]    Q = 0.55    logGBF = 477.28

            a 0    0.21839 (17)      [  0.0 (1.0) ]  
              1      0.175 (80)      [  0.0 (1.0) ]  
              2       0.36 (16)      [  0.0 (1.0) ]  
              3      2e-07 +- 1      [  0.0 (1.0) ]  
      log(dE) 0   -0.87651 (29)      [ -0.7 (1.0) ]  
              1      -0.52 (17)      [ -0.7 (1.0) ]  
              2      -0.67 (67)      [ -0.7 (1.0) ]  
              3      -0.7 (1.0)      [ -0.7 (1.0) ]  
           dE 0    0.41623 (12)      [  0.50 (50) ]  
              1       0.59 (10)      [  0.50 (50) ]  
              2       0.51 (34)      [  0.50 (50) ]  
              3       0.50 (50)      [  0.50 (50) ]  

  svdcut/n = 1e-12/0    tol = (1e-08*,1e-10,1e-10)    (itns/time = 9/0.0)

E   0.41623(12)      1.01(10)       
a   0.21839(17)      0.175(80)      

These agree pretty well with the previous results, suggesting that correlations are not a problem.

Binning should have no significant effect on results if there are no correlations, provided the total number of samples after binning is sufficiently large (e.g., more than 100—200). Strong correlations cause error estimates to grow with increased bin size (like the square root of binsize). Binning reduces correlations; data should be binned with increasing bin sizes until fit error estimates stop growing.

Fast Fit and Effective Mass

The code after the loop in the main() function illustrates the use of corrfitter.fastfit to get a very fast results for the lowest-energy state. As discussed in Very Fast (But Limited) Fits, corrfitter.fastfit provides an alternative to the multi-exponential fits discussed above when only the lowest-energy parameters are needed. The method used is similar to a traditional effective mass analysis except that estimates for contributions from excited states are generated from priors and removed from the correlator before determining the effective mass. This allows the code to use much smaller t values than in the traditional approach, thereby obtaining results that rival the multi-exponential fits.

In this example, corrfitter.fastfit is used to analyze the two-point correlator stored in array data['etas']. The amplitudes for different states are estimated to have size 0±1, while the spacings between energies (and between the first state and 0) are estimated to be 0.5±0.5. The code averages results form all t values down to tmin=3. Setting tp=64 indicates that the correlator is periodic with period 64.

The last line of the output summarizes the results of the fast fit. The energy and amplitude are almost identical to what was obtained from the multi-exponential fits (note that fastfit.ampl is the same as fit.a[0]**2, which has value 0.047681(79)). corrfitter.fastfit estimates the energy and amplitude for each t greater than tmin, and then averages the results. The consistency of results from different ts is measured by the \chi^2 of the averages. The \chi^2 per degree of freedom is reported here to be 0.8 for the E average and 0.9 for the ampl average, indicating that there is good agreement between different ts.

While a fast fit is easier to set up, multi-exponential fits are usually more robust, and provide more detailed information about the fit. One use for fast fits is to estimate the sizes of parameters for use in designing the priors for a multi-exponential fit. There are often situations where a priori knowledge about fit parameters is sketchy, especially for amplitudes. A fast fit to data at large t can quickly generate estimates for both amplitudes and energies, from which it is then easy to construct priors. In the code above, for example, we could replace make_prior(N) by alt_make_prior(N, data['etas']) where:

def alt_make_prior(N, G):
    fastfit = cf.fastfit(G=G, tmin=24, tp=64)
    da = 2 * fastfit.ampl.mean ** 0.5
    dE = 2 * fastfit.E.mean
    prior = collections.OrderedDict()
    prior['a'] = [gv.gvar(0, da) for i in range(N)]
    prior['log(dE)'] = gv.log([gv.gvar(dE, dE) for i in range(N)])
    return prior

This code does a fast fit using data from very large t, where priors for the excited states are unimportant. It then uses the results to create priors for the amplitudes and energy differences for all states, assuming that the ground state values are either larger, or smaller by no more than roughly a factor of two. This customized prior gives results that are almost identical to what was obtained using the original prior, above (in part because the original prior is pretty sensible to begin with).

Designing a prior using corrfitter.fastfit would be even more useful when multiple sources and sinks are involved, as in a matrix fit.


Function bootstrap_fit() shows how to check the error estimates from the fit using a bootstrap analysis. Ten bootstrap copies of the initial data set are generated and processed by iterator pdatalist. These are used by iterator fitter.bootstrapped_fit_iter(pdatalist=pdatalist) to generate fits for each of the bootstrap copies. Results for the energies and amplitudes of the first two levels are saved from each fit, and then averaged at the end. The spread of values between different fits is used to determine the errors assigned to each variable.

Bootstrap copies of datasets (gv.dataset.bootstrap_iter(dset, n=10)) are created by choosing correlators at random from the original dataset. The variation from copy to copy reflects the underlying distribution of the random correlators. Thus the variation of fit parameters from fit to fit reflects the statistical errors in those parameters.

The results here are consistent with the original estimates, to within the uncertainties expected from using only ten bootstrap copies. Normally one would use many more bootstrap copies but at a signficantly larger cost in run time. Traditionally, bootstrap analyses were important for capturing the correlations between different parameters. Here these correlations are already captured in the original fit, and built into the gvar.GVars for the best-fit values of the fit parameters. So a bootstrap analysis is unnecessary unless one is concerned that the parameter results are non-Gaussian (because of insufficient statistics).